Eldest daughter - 1/2 + 1/2 = 1
Second son - 1 + 1 = 2
Eldest son - 2 + 2 = 4
Wife - 4 + 4 = 8
1+2+4+8 = 15
Answer : 15
Answer: Cow Mathematics question
Answer: Monkey and Banana Mathematics Question
Monkeys take 50 pieces bananas and walk 16 2/3 meters then put down the bananas. Take 17 piece go back to initial point (without the 17 piece bananas, the money will die), and take the balance 50 pieces bananas.
When the monkey reach 16 2/3 meters away from the initial point, total 50 pieces bananas ate by the monkeys. Now the balance is 50 pieces at the point 16 2/3 meters.
The monkeys take the 50 pieces bananas walk for another 33 1/3 to reach the house, mean the balance will be 17 pieces when it reach the house
Answer : 17
Time to flight
There are 100 seat inside the air-plane, the number is start form 1 and end with 100.
100 passagers get the number from 1 to 100, they will follow the sequent to find their seat (Mean the number one shall go in first and followed by number and so on).
If they found that their seat have been sat by other people, then they will just simplily sit on the empty seat.
One day, a mad guy get the number 1 ticket (other passager are all "normal"), he just randomly sit. In this case, what is the Probability of the 100th people (who get the number 100) to sit on the right seat(seat number 100)?
Relax your mind
I'm suprised when i saw many people giving the wrong answer for the below question.
If 1=5
Tell me your answer
Only smart people able to answer this question
1000 year ago,a village with 50 members and they all have super-nature power after they sold their soul to the devil.
One day, the devil return.
Devil : Today i come for your soul, i will let the fate to choose. Starting today, you all can not talk single word and communicate with each other. The jinx will appear on those people headfront, other people can see but yourself can not see. When jinx appear, you have to suicide.
The first day, no body suicide. Second day, also no body suicide. However, third day found some of them are suicide.
How many people suicide on the third day? and why?
Ball and balances
There are 8 balls with same in apperance, but one of them are slightly heavier. Now, give you a Balances and allow you to use only 2 times to find the heavier ball.
How you going to make it?
How to cross the river
A Strange Family now already stand on the riparian, all of them want to go opposite riparian. Totally 8 members in this strange family includibg
1. Father
2. Mother
3. Elder Brother
4. Younger Brother
5. Elder Sister
6. Younger Sister
7. Maid
8. Dog
The problem is now only one old vessel which can only carry 2 members each time. Now we break it down to 3 section
Section 1 : Riparian
Section 2 : River
Section 3 : Opposite riparian
Well, why i do said that this is strange family, because of the below reason:
1. The mother will kill the brothers if father not stay at the same section.
2. The father will rape the sisters if mother not stay at the same section
3. The dog will bite the family member if the maid not stay at the same section
And finally, only father, mother and maid know how to control the vessel.
Now, you mission is to ensure all of them are able to reach the opposite riparian safe (without getteing hurt or kill)
Poker Guess
Tom and Jerry is both a smart guys.
One day, Prof.James give them a test.
As known that there are 16 cards (as shown below)
Then the Prof.James pick up one of the card. After he see the card then tell Tom the number of the card, and tell Jerry the pattern of the card.
It mean that Tom know the number only, and Jerry know the pattern only.
Below is their communication
Prof. James: Tom, can you tell me what is the number and pattern of the card i picked?
Tom: I do not know
Jerry: Tom, I know you do not know the answer.
Tom: Now I know already
Jerry: I also know already
The question is: Which is the poker card Prof.James picked?
Can you solve the below equation by using 1~25 (each number oly allow to use 1 time)
Note: People who know the trick can solve this within 2 minutes. How much time you need?
Cross the bridge
Jackie Chan ,Julia Roberts, Jim Carry & Nicole Kidman try to escaped from the enermy. Every seonds is vey important for them now since their enermy are chasing them.
They reach the bridge during night, and they found that the bridge is too old, only allow two person pass through each time or the bridge will broke (Too bad).
Another problem is they have only one Torch light.
The times need for them to cross over the bidge is 1minute, 5minutes, 2minutes & 8minutes respectively. Of course, we have count base on the slowest person will cross bridge.
So, could you provide them a fastest way (Least time) to cross the bridge?
Hint: One person shall bring the torch light and come back.